In 1992, while serving on the Norwood Little League Board of Directors and working in Norwood Schools with Special Needs students, Sue Morse realized that there was a large group of kids that were not able to play Little League. She also realized that there was a need for a baseball program for physically and learning-challenged children.  After some research and fact-finding, Sue decided to start a Challenger Little League Program, which at the time was only the third such program in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


A small ad was placed in the local paper for coaches and helpers. A flyer was handed out in the schools to the children.  At the first practice, Mark Henry volunteered his services, after having coached in Norwood Little League for several years.  Sue and Mark looked at each other and then at the 16 kids that showed up to play baseball that year and said, “Let’s do this!”  And, with only 3 weeks of time available to them before Opening Day, that is exactly what they did.  The first year of this program was a “challenge” for everyone, with 2 teams and 25 players ranging in age from 6 to 18 years of age.  The League was an instant success.  Sue Morse and Mark Henry knew then that they were onto something great!


The following winter, Bob Smith and Rick Reardon started the “D.A.R.E.” Challenger Basketball program. The following spring, they joined Challenger Baseball as the league expanded from 2 to 4 teams.  And, 5 years ago, they started a Challenger football program.  This group has recently played their Fifth Annual Challenger Superbowl Game.


Because of the hard work and dedication of all the players and volunteers, the Challenger Programs now have over 100 players from communities as far away as Hingham, Needham and Rhode Island.  Regardless of what his or her own challenges are, nobody has ever been turned away from participating in these programs.  The Challenger programs continue to be an important part of the lives of all involved- players, volunteers and their families.  Many good and long-lasting relationships have grown from these programs.


All of the Norwood Challenger Sports Programs invite and welcome challenged athletes from all over to participate. This group continues to be one of the most successful programs in the state.  From the very beginning of present day, the Challenger program is a reflection of the dedication of the people of Norwood to its youth and a continuation of what Norwood is all about!